

More plants = more insects

05.12.2023: Or, as our biologists say: plant diversity generally allows conclusions to be drawn about insect diversity. In order to increase biodiversity, it is important to have the right mix.

The botanical report "Monitoring of flowering plants on flowering strips at the EWS Sonnenfeld agri-PV plant in Bruck an der Leitha", which we commissioned externally, has just been completed and published.

What is it about? Our aim is to increase biodiversity on an EWS Sonnenfeld® by using the approx. 2 metre wide areas under the rows of module tables as flowering strips. At the EWS Sonnenfeld® Agri-PV pilot plant in Bruck/Leitha, 3 different seed mixtures were sown for experimental purposes in spring 2023 to find out which would produce the best results in this regard.

Regional seed mixtures REWISA "fringe mixture" and REWISA "meadow mixture" and the standard mixture "vineyard" were sown and analysed in the period from April to October as part of botanical monitoring. A "zero variant" without sowing was also analysed and the fern and flowering plant species found in the fallow land were listed.

To summarise, it can be said that the sowing with REWISA seed is significantly richer in species than the zero variant and the sowing with the commercially available vineyard greening mixture and a clearly visible effect is already evident in the first year. The REWISA "fringe mixture" established itself the fastest and is also more favourable in terms of cultivation, as it can withstand irregular maintenance better.

"We are aware that we cannot create total area biotopes for climate-friendly solar power generation with prioritised agricultural land use with flower strips. However, our aim is to increase biodiversity and generate added value when realising an EWS Sonnenfeld®. It is essential to keep the maintenance costs low in order to ensure long-term, sustainable benefits for nature," says Joachim Payr.

Read the full report in German here.

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