

EWS, headquartered in Munderfing in Upper Austria, is behind this. A name that has been synonymous with experience in non-fossil energy generation and energy efficiency for more than 30 years. You can also draw on company's pooled expertise - from the first feasibility check, through planning to financing and implementation!

Joachim Payr
Product development EWS Sonnenfeld®
+43 7744 20 141 - 28
Mobil +43 664 51 31 140

DI (FH) Wolfgang Neuhofer
Managing Director EWS Consulting GmbH
+43 7744 20 141 - 24
Mobil +43 664 82 03 686

EWS Consulting GmbH
Katztal 37 · 5222 Munderfing · Austria
Büro Ostösterreich: Kälberweide 13a · 7111 Parndorf · Austria

Am I ready for hectares of solar power?

Request your free land check now!

An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!

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