

Read here what's new in and from the world of EWS and agrophotovoltaics!

10 years wind farm Munderfing

28.06.2024: An EWS Sonnenfeld for the Pope?

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[Translate to English:] Ein EWS Sonnenfeld für den Vatikan
More about : 10 years wind farm Munderfing

Masters of agriculture and forestry show great interest in the EWS Sonnenfeld®

11.06.2024: This year's Burgenland Master Craftsmen's Day took place on 5 June in the Rittersteuersaal at the Eisenstadt Chamber of Agriculture. EWS was invited to give a presentation on the topic of "Agri-Photovoltaics - food and electricity from EWS Sonnenfeld®" and thus show a forward-looking…

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ARGE Meister Burgenland
More about : Masters of agriculture and forestry show great interest in the EWS Sonnenfeld®

Agri-PV reduces frost damage

03.06.2024: At the EWS Sonnenfeld in Bruck/Leitha, we found in spring 2024 that the solar panels on the Agri-PV system create microclimatic conditions that reduce frost damage.

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EWS Sonnenfeld verringert Frostschäden
More about : Agri-PV reduces frost damage

The combination of photovoltaics and photosynthesis is a top priority in the EU.

08.05.2024: Agri-PV is considered an essential building block for solar expansion. As a dual land use concept, agrivoltaics is becoming increasingly important. Around 750 gigawatts (GW) of solar energy are to be installed across the EU by 2030. Project developers and investors are calling for…

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[Translate to English:] EWS Sonnenfeld, Strom und Lebensmittel ab Hof, duale Landnutzung
More about : The combination of photovoltaics and photosynthesis is a top priority in the EU.

Press report in "Bauernjournal Österreich" on dual utilisation at EWS Sonnenfeld®

14.02.2024: Farmers are very interested in producing food and energy on the same area of land. Editor Wolfgang Dürnberger from "Salzburger Bauer" enquired about the practical test of Agri-PV at EWS Sonnenfeld in Bruck/Leitha.

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Bauernjournal Österreich berichtet über positiven Praxistest auf der Agri-PV-Anlage EWS Sonnenfeld in Bruck/Leitha
More about : Press report in "Bauernjournal Österreich" on dual utilisation at EWS Sonnenfeld®

Am I ready for hectares of solar power?

Request your free land check now!

An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!

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