Benefit twice from farmland and grassland!
We at EWS have the solution for how you can benefit twice from your farmland and grassland - without significant loss of acreage: With agricultural photovoltaics - solar energy from the field. Find out here why our national anthem has never been more true.
Energy from the farm: This is how you derive power from your field
There is something on your farmland or field that can make you money. Something you might not have thought can be found on your field and that we all need. Something that's crisis-proof and an investment in the future.
Sonnenfeld for local authorities, energy communities and power farmers
Because this double utilisation does not make use of ground-mounted PV installations, no additional space will be used up. All you do is double your revenue from existing cultivated land. This makes you a trailblazer on the way to climate neutrality - and with economic benefits to boot!
Am I ready for hectares of solar power?
Request your free land check now!
An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!
First Boku results for the 2024 harvest year at EWS Sonnenfeld in Bruck an der Leitha
Clear advantage due to “sun catcher” in extreme weather conditions.
find out more
More about : First Boku results for the 2024 harvest year at EWS Sonnenfeld in Bruck an der Leitha