Which areas are suitable for the EWS Sonnenfeld®?
In principle, any grassland and farmland for agricultural use from a size of 5 hectares is suitable.
This minimum size is necessary to ensure minimal electricity generation costs and to enable the system to operate economically. Geometry, topography, shading, grid connection possibilities and the site's orientation towards the sun are all taken into account when planning the EWS Sonnenfeld®. In order to ensure that the changes to the landscape are tolerated, areas that are already developed are preferred to increase the social acceptance of agricultural PV systems among the population. Do request our land check.
Am I ready for hectares of solar power?
Request your free land check now!
An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!