How do you define an agricultural photovoltaic system (agricultural PV)?
Agricultural PV systems are agriculturally used areas on which solar energy is used to generate electricity and agricultural products are produced at the same time (double utilisation on the field).
At least 80% of the total area must be used for agricultural purposes with crops usually cultivated in the area. No more than 5% of the area may be used for infrastructure, such as: mounting system, transformer locations, inverters, gravelled areas for logistics. The remaining area must be used as a flower or berry area (bee pasture) or as fallow land to increase biodiversity.
Total area refers to the maximum perimeter of the module tables (e.g.: horizontal position for tracker systems) at a distance of 6 metres. The land utilisation efficiency graph illustrates this.
Agro, agrarian, agri
A number of terms are used by the industry, which all refer to the same thing:
Agro-photovoltaics, agrar-photovoltaics and agri-photovoltaics, and their abbreviations agro-PV, agrar-PV and agri-PV.
We have decided to use the term agri-photovoltaics (agri-PV)
in connection with the EWS Sonnenfeld®.
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An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!