

Agri-Photovoltaics has arrived in Upper Austria!

29.11.2021: The "Upper Austrian Photovoltaic Strategy 2030" was published in spring 2021. Its implementation was sealed in the most recent government agreement of the state. Criteria for agri-photovoltaic plants are clearly defined therein.

An EWS Sonnenfeld® of 5 ha in size supplies solar power for 1,500 households. And this is in addition to the main agricultural production.

The national climate targets for electricity supply from 100% renewable energy sources by 2030 provide the framework for Austria to achieve the Paris Climate Agreement 2015. In spring 2021, Upper Austria defined its targets for the necessary expansion of solar power in the "Upper Austrian Photovoltaic Strategy 2030" and finally agreed in the latest government agreement to implement this strategy.

As the first province, the departments of the provincial government also developed clear criteria for the implementation of Agri-PV plants in the PV strategy. "The PV strategy of Upper Austria encourages that innovative plants like the EWS Sonnenfeld® will actually be built," says Joachim Payr.

EWS offers solution with lowest land consumption

"The scepticism towards agri-PV systems is based on the misunderstanding that some people believe that valuable land is more or less covered up with PV systems. In fact, in our projects, 80 percent of the land remains unchanged for agricultural use, 18 percent serves as biodiversity area (areas for the promotion of biodiversity), and only two percent is built up," explains Joachim Payr in the OÖN report "Solar power from agricultural land: "Not top priority, but...", of 25.11.2021.

The advantages of such systems are obvious:

  •     Minimal loss of land (max. 2%).
  •     Increase of biodiversity and species diversity on arable land and grassland (flower strips)
  •     Additional income for agriculture (farmer and energy farmer)
  •     Crisis-proof income in the event of climate-related crop failures (sale of electricity, leasing)
  •     No competition for land with food production due to dual use
  •     Increase in own electricity production in the regions
  •     Inexpensive, rapid and environmentally friendly power generation
  •     100% degradable without damaging the soil
  •     ...

Let's use the opportunity for agriculture and energy transition!

If you are interested in getting more out of your agricultural land, then contact us. No matter which federal state you are from. On our website you can do a land check for your specific Agri-PV project right away. Here you will also find all the important information about the EWS Sonnenfeld®.

Am I ready for hectares of solar power?

Request your free land check now!

An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!

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* Mandatory field