

"Maybe the grain for the flour of your snack and the electricity for your lamp will soon come from a Sonnenfeld."

18.10.2021: The authors of the youth magazine "Wild im Wind", published by IG Windkraft, found the following words for our Agri-PV plant in the June 2021 issue:

© IG Windkraft: Willi Wind at Sonnenfeld

"Grow food and generate electricity from the sun on one field at the same time. Is that possible? Yes, it is. An Upper Austrian company has figured out something about this and is planning solar fields. Photovoltaic modules are set up in rows on a field.
Have you heard? A photovoltaic module produces electricity from the sun's rays. These modules on the solar field can be tilted so that the tractor can easily drive through and work the soil.
In addition, by tilting them correctly, the module can be optimally aligned with the sun so that as much electricity as possible is produced. And so-called flower strips can be cultivated under the modules. This means that many wild flowers can grow there. Wild bees and other insects will be particularly happy about that."

Click here to go directly to "Wild im Wind". On the IG-Windkraft website you can also find presentation and teaching material on the topics of climate, energy and energy transition and, of course, wind energy.

"It's real, it's us, it's bad, experts agree, there's hope!" (klimafakten.de)

Climate communication is an important topic of our time. Easing fears about the future and offering possible solutions and actions is certainly the better way. We see the EWS-Sonnenfeld® as a contemporary, affordable and quick solution that conserves land resources and still produces high electricity yields of > 5 million kWh per solar field (!), which in turn corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of 400 households + 400 heat pumps + 400 electric cars.

Electrification has only just begun in many areas. In the future we will need much more electricity and this must be 100% renewable by 2030 according to the Austrian climate targets. Green power generation will therefore become more regional and also more visible in the coming years. The choice of location will be determined by where it makes economic sense and is not harmful to nature conservation to generate green electricity.

If you, too, are ready for hectares of solar power, then take the site check for your area, or let's talk directly about your solar field project.


Am I ready for hectares of solar power?

Request your free land check now!

An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!

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* Mandatory field