If you would also like to set up a solar field, contact us - together we will find the right APV system for you.
EWS Sonnenfeld Schalchen (OÖ)
There is potential for an EWS Sonnenfeld® in the municipality of Schalchen.
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EWS Sonnenfeld St. Veit im Innkreis (OÖ)
Oekostrom AG implements an agri-photovoltaic system in the municipality of St. Veit im Innkreis.
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EWS Sonnenfeld Scheiblberg (OÖ)
There is potential for an EWS Sonnenfeld® in the municipality of Rohrbach-Berg.
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EWS Sonnenfeld Schardenberg (OÖ)
There is potential for an EWS Sonnenfeld® in the municipality of Schardenberg.
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EWS Sonnenfeld Höhnhart (OÖ)
There is potential for a EWS Sonnenfeld® in the municipality of Höhnhart.
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Am I ready for hectares of solar power?
Request your free land check now!
An area of at least 5 hectares in size should not be a problem. Will it be suitable for agricultural photovoltaics?
I hope so and will do the "area check"!